Monday 2 April 2012

Me 1 Jet Lag 0

A method has been disproven today.

I've flew enough long haul flights between destinations with opposite time zones to notice a pattern. Conventional, or rather, logical wisdom would dictate that if your destination has a 12 hour time difference from your point of embarkation and you arrive at 11am local time, you stay up (through the night according to your body clock) and go to sleep at night, like everyone else. I've been doing this about 4-5 times and it still takes me a while to adjust. Sure I can zombie through the day and sleep in the night but I get tired early (like, around 5pm) for the next few days.

Yesterday, we arrived in Toronto at 10am (10 pm according to our body clock) and it would've been business as usual, struggling to stay up until night time came around. But after lazing about for a few hours, I felt like utter shit: Hair a mess, eyes bloodshot, hungry but the body shutting down due to exhaustion etc.

I was happy to succumb to weakness of sleep.

Showered, hair dried, burrow under blanket, snooze, rinse, repeat.  I slept at 1.30pm Toronto time and woke up at 10.30pm..and proceeded to stay up through the night till 6am. After a Wizarding World of Harry Potter picture viewing party on Tumblr, A suggested we try and sleep a bit before doing anything. We decided that 4 hours should be enough to get us through. At 10am, we woke up and went about the day, neither of us having slept that much and.. here we are at 8pm TO time, still going strong. I'm surprised, I would've been happy to make it to 6pm.

Biologically, we spent most of today trying to fix our dire appetite and hydration levels.

I can sleep well tonight. Hopefully, we'll all be adjusted by tomorrow!

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