Sunday 6 May 2012

In which I play host at a place I loathe.

April 8th, Easter Sunday. Our last day in Toronto before we headed off to Orlando the next morning. I can't remember whether I grudgingly suggested going to CN tower or it was A who brought it up. 

Oh right. My aunt brought it up while she was talking to A on the phone. -_-' And there I was thinking I could get away with it. As I told A, I really hate this place. 

This place is CN Tower in downtown Toronto. I can't pinpoint exactly why I loathe this place so much. It could be the monotone concrete surroundings, it could be that there is absolutely nothing stimulating around the area where the tower is located, it could be the fact that the whole place just screams TOURIST MUST SEE and features screaming children of tourists. 

It could be that I don't get the point of this. I have never been up on one of these super tall towers and seen shit that they say we can see. I have never seen Niagara Falls or the state of New York the 5 times I've been up there so screw your false advertisements.  

Or maybe its just one of those things where the amount of enjoyment gained decreases exponentially over time. I know the first time I had been on these super tall structures was in Auckland and I fucking loved it, naive kid that I was. Subsequent times in Toronto and Taipei..not so much. 

But it is one of the major sites in the city so I suppose I couldn't avoid it if I had a new visitor in town. But I wanted so badly to, goddammit! 


All i can say is A got some pretty cool photos. And I had an awesome hot dog.


My enemy. 

Some shots of downtown Toronto: 

Under the highway, heading into the CBD area. 

Air Canada Centre! This is where most big concert events take place. It is also the home ground of the Toronto Maple Leafs (NHL) and the Toronto Raptors (NBA)

Rogers Centre is the home ground of the Toronto Blue Jays (MLB) and the Toronto Argonauts (CFL). I've been in there once to watch a Red Sox game, it has a pretty cool retractable roof. 

Blue Jays Way, outside the Rogers Centre. 

I have come to meet my doom. 


Before that, food! 

Mine is the one on the right. Heaven in my mouth. 


Interior shots of CN Tower

And finally, what we all came to see *grumble* 

This was a cool sight though, what you see here is a runway. Toronto has a small airport downtown and its located on an island off the mainland. Ha, I make it sound so epic. It's a 2 minute ferry ride away. It's a fantastic airport. 

A's camera has this effect function which makes your photos look cool. See? Not boring anymore! 

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