Saturday 5 May 2012

Niagara..the actual Falls.

We left the town at around 4.15pm. Ample time to spare. At least I thought so. All I knew was we had to reach Niagara Falls before 5.30pm because that's when the last boat leaves to bring you up close to the Falls (knowledge gained from the 4 hour luncheon episode) and we had to drive half an hour from the town to get there. 

First hiccup of the day, I drove in the wrong direction heading out of town. 

BUT! It was a pretty awesome detour if I may say so. Look at this piece of heaven we found: 

Looks more heavenly than usual (*cough* saturated *cough*) because of the setting on A's camera but whatever, it was AMAZING. It was a pretty deserted beach and I'm guessing its a private beach seeing as the houses around it seemed rather exclusive in a small town sort of way. Plus, we had drove pretty inwards past residential housing. 

While we rectified our bearings, A and I got into a discussion about getting vacation homes in this part of the world in the future. Haa, when will that be? Oh well, people can dream. 


Another point on geography and driving: There are two routes to get to the Falls from the town. One way is back through the town and past the vineyard estates and commercial buildings. The other is along the lake's coast, which I had never taken before. I knew it would be risky seeing as we were in a hurry and I had no idea how long it was going to take. Our little detour had already cost us a bit of time so conventional wisdom suggests we go the boring ass old route. 

I'm glad we didn't. So what if we didn't get to see *much* of the coast because of a thick line of trees but it was a fabulous drive: very few cars, and lots of green and blue. 

Not to mention we found this breathtaking lookout point over the Niagara river. 

I look weird -> straining my hand to capture both of us and the scene behind us -> a rather fail picture

Ah yes, remember the scenic drive to the most hilarious Hokkien Song I have ever listened to mentioned in a previous post? (To be honest, the sample size is minute = 2 and the other one was about only knowing true pain from love so uh..) 

This is A setting the stage for the video. Here she has already prepared the camera and is now waiting for the right scenery to come around. Plus I think she is also looking for said Hokkien song in her iTunes library. And I can't remember whether I was driving while taking this picture. Huh. 

Tremendous LOLs were had as we put the song on repeat the entire drive to Niagara Falls and we winded down the windows and blasted it proper! It was the most fun I ever had on a drive.  


I was relieved when we saw this. We could *still* make that last boat! 

Once we parked I ran towards to the ticketing counter while A lingered slightly behind to take some pictures. And guess what? All that rushing for NOUGHT. The lady behind the counter told me The Maid of the Mist (name of the boat) rides don't open till April 12th. It was still Winter season. Well, fuck. 

I guess we'll just have this then: 

That was an actual rainbow. It was perfect. 

You're meant to see the Falls as the background but the guy who took the picture cocked it up big time. 

The quality sucks and we look a hot mess but I *love* it unabashedly. I feel like this would be one of those pictures we'll be looking back on 10, 20 years down the road. Me and my oldest bestie! :D 

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